Get up and go kayaking - what a great statement and mantra on which to focus your mind.
Many of us have day jobs, family life and other important distractions that can form a whole list of excuses to why we won't get up and go kayaking.
However, with a few little tips, we can make it super easy to keep motivated and enthusiastic so we DO get up and go kayaking!
Here are 10 top tips you should follow so you always find time and motivation to get up and go kayaking.
Number 1: Take care of your equipment
Looking after your kit - keeping it clean, dried and stored neatly means it's easy to grab your kit and pack it ready for a kayaking trip.
Use dry bags to store your kit so you can pick up the bag and put it in your transport.
Your kit should include a first aid kit, a knife and some snacks for emergency energy needs!
Number 2: Check your equipment after use
Doing a full kit check when you get off the water means you can spot damage, problems and broken kit. If you can, get it fixed or replaced as soon as you can especially if it is a piece of safety kit like a buoyancy aid or helmet.
This means it's ready to go for your next kayaking trip.
Number 3: Have a routine to get ready
After a few trips, you will become adept and familiar with which kit you need and the order you get things ready. Try and follow the same routine so it becomes slick and you don't forget anything.
Number 4: Check the weather and be realistic
The weather can stop you to get up to go kayaking. Bad weather can make your trip impossible or best case, uncomfortable.
Check the weather in advance and adjust your kit and trip accordingly. If you are kayaking in open water, you may need to take into account the wind too.
Be realistic and do paddle if the conditions allow - taking into account your ability and the safety of the group. It's easy to over egg the weather and use it as an excuse to not get up and go kayaking.
Number 5: Keep your friends in the loop
If you are paddling with a group (less than 3 should never be!), then keep in communication and make sure they know when the trip is, what time to arrive and what the trip is about. Use a group chat or email so everything is in writing and this maximises the chances of everyone being available and ready.
Number 6: Be excited
When you get up and go kayaking, it's the best feeling in the world! The fresh air, the peace of the outdoors and then wellbeing you get from it cannot be beaten - in my opinion. So be excited and transmit this excitement to the group too.
Number 7:
Know the route
Plan your trip in advance. Find the put in and get out, check any hazards along the route and study the water conditions.
Using mapping software with satellite views helps enormously. You could also go in advance and check out the route from the land. This is always a great thing to do and should be part of your normal trip planning.
This minimises and reasons why you cannot get up and go kayaking on this particular trip.
Number 8: Focus your mind
Your brain (if it's anything like mine!) will be full of many other things to do, think about or distract you. Try to find a few minutes to sit down and think about your trip. Think about the process of getting ready, the benefits you'll get from the trip and the time you will spend with friends.
Number 9: Allow the time
Trying to rush your trip is the worse thing you can do. It can introduce dangers as you take shortcuts to speed things up.
Instead, allow plenty of time to get up and go kayaking. Set it as an 'appointment' in your diary or one the family calendar and let everyone know you will be unavailable. Allow time for getting ready and cleaning your kit too.
Number 10: Take action
Very often, thinking about the trip and all that has to be done can be overwhelming for the brain. Sometimes it can begin to shut down and encourage you to stay home instead.
This sometimes happens to me. I have found that finding a small job to do towards the trip gets me motivated again. Even a simple task like checking over your paddle or getting your emergency snacks together works.
Taking action overcomes even the strongest demotivation.
Add on more actions and jobs until you get up and go kayaking!
Watch the video below too!
PS. Paddlesports can be dangerous.
Read our safety disclaimer - here
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